Friday, July 22, 2011

Can't wait but can

I got the phone call on 7/7/11 that I got the casino job. I literally fell onto the chair next to me because I couldn't believe it. I got all the information about the drug test the following day & the orientation a few days after that. As soon as I hung up the phone, I hugged Rya & just started crying. Rya & Hayden have a great life. They are greatly loved, totally cared for & their parents are still in love & married. But we want so much more for them! Garyn's been doing an amazing job working as much as he has been but his current job doesn't pay much.

A huge reason we wanted me to get the casino job is because the pay is amazing! Unfortunately, it'll still be a few weeks at least before I start working but as least I got the job. I already did the drug test, orientation &  turned all my paperwork in. Now we just sit & wait for Human Resources to call me & tell me that my gaming license has come in. Once it has I go in to pick it up, go through 2 days of orientation & pick up my uniforms & then I can start working. When I turned in the paperwork the gaming license tech told me that it can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks for the gaming license to go through but since I've already had one in Arizona, she believes it should only take 2 weeks. Also because I'll have the same numbers as last time. I'm really hoping she is correct & I'll get a phone call around August 2nd saying my gaming license is in.

I'm still so excited & happy that I got the job but still so stressed out since I'm not actually working yet. Once I start working things will be so much better. I was a little disappointed to find out I was only hired part time but that's better than nothing. I'm hoping to get full time within a few weeks of starting. The hourly pay for this dealer position isn't the best ($5.85 an hour) but tips makes up for it! I was hired as a dual rate dealer which means I'll usually deal but I can also be a pit boss. When I do floor, I'll get $19 an hour! This casino is the only one in it's area so the tips are very good. Plus I love going home after each shift with money.

I just keep thinking about how excited I am to go back to work but know it will be very difficult. I've been a stay at home mom since March 2010. Anyone who thinks it's easy is so wrong! I love it that I'm always around my babies & I don't miss anything but I do miss the adult social time that goes along with working. I like to make my own money even though Garyn & I are married & we consider everything to be ours. I still enjoy making my own money. I know that when I finally find out when my start date will be, I'll be so upset about having to leave my angels but it does help that they'll be at home with their Daddy & not at some daycare or with a babysitter. I know that I'll miss my babies so much when I'm at work but it's all worth it. I can't wait to start working so we can get a better car that has AC that actually works, a new place that is a little bit bigger & cleaner & finally pay off some debt so we can raise our credit score & hopefully buy a home someday. This job opens so many wonderful things! I will totally miss my babies & I hope they don't do anything amazing, super cute or awesome while I'm at work but if they do, at least we own a video camera.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back to School Someday

I decided awhile ago that I really want to go back to school. I want a degree & a career. I never knew what I wanted to do & I didn't figure this out until I was 25 years old. I want a Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design. I think I'm finally starting to figure out when I want to go back to school.

I was just hired at Vee Quiva casino as a dual rate dealer & I'm thrilled. While I love dealing, I don't want to do it for the next 30 years. I won't mind doing it for 5 years since I do enjoy the job & the pay is wonderful but I want a real career & I don't consider dealing cards or even being a pit manager a real career. I am super excited about my new job & it will definitely help me save money to go back to school.

I think I have decided that I want to work for at least a year & towards the end of the 1 year mark, I'll start looking into different colleges & programs & start the process of getting enrolled in school. At 1st I thought I wanted to do an interior design program at Sheffield School but after my sister, Sarah looked into the program, she highly suggested that I not waste my time & money on that program. This program takes about 6 months & at the end I would only be certified. She believes that I should spend the extra time & money & get a real degree. It will take me about 3 years at least. The hardest part is that it will probably take longer than that because by the time I start classes, I'll be working, Garyn will be working plus we have Rya & Hayden & we won't put them in daycare so I'll probably only be able to take 1 or 2 classes at a time. Due to the fact that I won't have alot of time, I wanted to do an online program & get my degree that way but Sarah suggested not to get my degree online. Once I get closer to enrolling in school, we'll be able to figure out when I can take classes.

I'm very excited to go back to school & while it won't be for awhile I'm really happy that I finally figured out what I want to do & that when I graduate, I'll have a real career & a wonderful way to help support our family. I have no idea what colleges I will look at but there are a few around & right now The Art Institute of Phoenix is my top choice but who knows what I'll decide next year!