Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'll play

I haven't blogged in so long due to us moving. I finally have our internet back so I'm trying to get caught up on my blog. I read this from Jax but couldn't participate until now. I won't be tagging anyone though because everyone that has a blog that I read has already done it. I tried to do my Christmas blog but the pictures were not uploading. I will try again tomorrow.  I've always liked these questionares:

12 Fun Facts About Me:1. I can touch my tongue to my nose. 
2. I was a cheerleader for all 4 years of high school & captian my senior year.
3.  I'm terrified of flying.
4.  When I outgrew my favorite stuffed animals, dolls & Barbies, I put them in a plastic storage container planning to give them to my daughter one day. I can't wait to get all those things & share them with Rya!
5.  I don't have a favorite movie. I like so many that I can't pick just one.
6.  I took a few years of piano lessons & loved it. I would absolutely love to get back into playing!
7.  I was in the Army for 2 years. It was not a good experience for me (military isn't for everyone) but I made many lifelong friends, learned alot, loved being a scrub tech, met my husband & because of those things, I am happy I did it & wouldn't take it back.
8.  I love to travel! I've been to Paris, Brussels, Bruge & London. I would love to go to Spain, Prortugal & Ireland. Plus many more places!
  9.  I miss my Ford Focus ZX3 so badly that I really regret every selling it even though it was starting to nickel & dime me to death. I'm always on the look out for another one.
10. Altoids & other very strong mints make me sneeze.
11.  I wear a size 6 shoe & a size 6 ring. Always thought that was funny.
12. I totally love being a blackjack dealer! I took the class when I was only 20 & have dealt off & on through the years since then. I wouldn't mind doing this job for the next 5 years at least.

Questions asked by Jax:
1.  What is one of your most beloved childhood memories?
I don't think I can pick just one. I had such an incredible childhood because of the *best* parents! I always remember very well our Disneyland trips. We always had a blast & it was so much fun! I can't wait to take my kids some day & hope my Dad & Stepmom would be able to join us.

2.  When was the last time you tried something new and how did it play out?
Good question. I'm not a big fan of change. The 1st thing that comes to mind obviously probably isn't the newest thing I've tried but it's the one that sticks out in my mind the most. After I got out of the Army, I bought a quad (stupid decision but seemed like a good idea at the time). I didn't think I'd like it but I'm hooked now! I loved riding it & would love to get another quad one day!

3.  What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?
Anything! I've put everything on myself & our family. I will no longer ask for help but do things myself. I will no longer let people push me around but stand up for myself. I'm a much stronger person today than a year ago.

4.  What is one thing you have not done yet that you really want to do?
There are so many things! Probably on the top of my list is finally take our honeymoon. We moved right after our wedding so we didn't have one. I would love to take a mini trip just Garyn & I for our 5 year anniversary in June but probably won't be able to.

5.  Which one of your responsibilities do you wish you could get rid of?
The one every adult would like to get rid of...bills.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sugar Cookies!

I make Christmas cookies every year. It's one of my favorite traditions. I have so many wonderful memories of helping my Mom each Christmas baking cookies. I don't make as many as she does but I still have 3-5 different kinds. I decided to make sugar cookies this year since I haven't made them since Christmas 2009. They are not my favorite to make since it usually takes me almost all day to bake & decorate them. This year it did take all day since I have a 3 year old & 18 month old to look after also. I decided that Rya could help a little this year with decorating. I only let her put the sprinkles on though. She tried to put some frosting on but made a huge mess. She was perfectly happy with just doing the sprinkles though. I love it so much that everything I used to do with my Mom, I can now enjoy doing it with my daughter.


All the fixings.

She is such a big helper!

The finished cookie!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Tree!

We finally got our Christmas tree! We kept having to put it off because it kept raining. That was the first time since moving here that I hoped it would stop raining! Garyn was out running errands & found a place. He got a beautiful 6' Douglas Fir & tree stand for about $30! He brought it home & set it up but had more errands to run so he let myself & our babies decorate it. This was Rya's 1st time decorating a tree. She had a blast & was so very excited! Hayden was just too curious & got in the way & wouldn't leave things alone. He ended up having some time out time in his crib.

I love alot of lights on my tree & that's alway's the part I hate! It's even harder when you have a 3 year old constantly asking if it's time to put the bulbs on. Rya had so much fun! I did bring Hayden back out for some pictures & some time with us. I think we did a great job & I love our tree this year!
The pink ornaments were her favorite.

Getting some help from Mommy.

My happy little man!

Beautiful Christmas Tree!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Favorite Christmas Tradition

We have many Christmas traditions in my family. Almost all of them I got from my Mom & Dad & carried them into my family. Garyn is so terrific about all the traditions. He loves them & always encourages to make sure we do each one every year. I have too many favorites to pick one but I know in my top 3 is that I go to Christmas boutiques every December. I remember going each winter with Mom & always having a blast. She even was in some & she'd let me come & help. I went to one yesterday in honor & memory of my Mom & because I can't go through Christmas without going. I did get a little teary eyed as I walked in thinking about how much fun Mom & I used to have. I wish I could have gone with my Stepmom or Grandma but being in different states sure makes that difficult. Maybe some year we'll be able to go together. I can not wait until Rya is old enough to go with me!

The one I went to was at Mesquite high school in Gilbert. It was pretty good sized & there were so many vendors. I had a blast walking around looking at everything. I even went back today & got a few more things. I was not used to how they do it there. When Mom & I would go, you bought each item from each vendor. I remember Mom had her cash box & a calculator. That's not how they did it here. Every item had a vendor # on it & you pay at the end. It was alot more convenient that way but that must be a nightmare for whoever has to sort all those vendor tickets.

I'm very happy with my treasures & am even happier that I was able to find one to go to this year. I always remember Mom & our boutique adventures everytime I'm at one of these & always find myself thinking 'Mom would buy that if she were here'. I treasure my memories of her & am so thankful that I can still do some things today that we used to do 10 years ago. I'm so excited to take Rya in 1-2 years & I hope she'll enjoy it as much I did when I was little & as much as I do now!

*In honor & memory of you, Mom! You're with me today & always!*

These snowflakes were made from the plastic rings that holds soda cans together.
They were really awesome!

Adorable "R" and "H" ornaments I found as I was walking in! There's fake snow inside!

I got an identical black flower the 1st day I went & Rya requested I get her a pink one. She loves it!

I have at least a dozen Egyptian perfume bottles in storage in WA. I started collecting them when I was in my teens. Garyn loves them too & always gets me a new one when we find them. I totally forgot about them until I saw a lady selling a bunch. Just wish I could have gotten more than 1 but I'm so happy I could get this one & that I am reminded of the ones I have. Can't wait to get them back!

I've wanted Mistletoe for the past 3 Christmases but could never find any. I found this at the boutique. It was hand picked in Prescott, AZ! So excited I finally found some!!

This is my little personalized welcome sign! It's so cute & was a great price & my 1st thing item with my family's names on it! I'm so excited about this!

I had a great time at the boutique & am so happy with my treasures. I got another small Christmas decoration but it was too hard to get a picture of it. I did pick up a few gifts as well so can't put pictures of those up. Already can't wait for next year!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Toddler Bed Sleeper!

Rya slept in her Tinkerbell toddler bed for the 1st time last night! We got it & set it up almost a week ago but she refuses to sleep in it. I've tried a few things that haven't worked. Garyn & I wanted to relax on the couch & watch Supernatural last night so I waited till Rya was asleep & moved her to her bed. To our surprise, she stayed in her bed. She must have been super comfy because she didn't move at all! I was hoping she'd stay in her bed all night but she woke me up at 3:30am & wanted to sleep on the couch. I'm just so incredibly proud of her that she slept in her bed at all! We're getting there!
Now if we can just get her potty trained!

My 1st Holiday Craft!

I want to start doing more crafts especially around the holidays. All my holiday decorations are in storage & I don't want to buy too many more. I found this online & it looked easy so I thought I'd try it. It only cost $4 for all the supplies & they were very easy to make. Each pumpkin took me about 15min. It would have been less if my hole punch worked better. At least I know I need a new one! I love these little pumpkins & what's great about them is I can collapse them down & store them easily until next year! Now I'm wondering what I can make for Christmas!

Rya's 3rd Birthday!

November 10th was Rya's 3rd birthday! I love that she's old enough to understand that's it's her birthday! We got donuts for breakfast which is our tradition on someone's birthday. We let her open a few gifts throughout the day. We had to keep them hidden since we knew she'd want to open all of them at once. Garyn took her to a special father/daughter lunch at his favorite sushi buffet. Rya's loves that place also since they have this coconut shrimp that she loves! The server ladies even surprised her with a small orange cake.

We went over to our good friend, Chuck's place that evening for a BBQ, cake & play time on the
playground. Rya had an absolute blast! We were even able to get Hayden to walk around. He had alot of fun & then discovered that there are rocks & sticks on the ground.
Rya had such a good birthday! After we let her open her 1st gift in the morning, she looked at us & said "I'm so happy!". Then that night she told us "I had good birthday". Those little words just totally melt my heart & make me cry. All I wanted was her to have a good birthday & she did!

*I love you, Rya Michele! You are my angel, beautiful daughter & my all! I can't believe you're 3 years old!*