Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Favorite Christmas Tradition

We have many Christmas traditions in my family. Almost all of them I got from my Mom & Dad & carried them into my family. Garyn is so terrific about all the traditions. He loves them & always encourages to make sure we do each one every year. I have too many favorites to pick one but I know in my top 3 is that I go to Christmas boutiques every December. I remember going each winter with Mom & always having a blast. She even was in some & she'd let me come & help. I went to one yesterday in honor & memory of my Mom & because I can't go through Christmas without going. I did get a little teary eyed as I walked in thinking about how much fun Mom & I used to have. I wish I could have gone with my Stepmom or Grandma but being in different states sure makes that difficult. Maybe some year we'll be able to go together. I can not wait until Rya is old enough to go with me!

The one I went to was at Mesquite high school in Gilbert. It was pretty good sized & there were so many vendors. I had a blast walking around looking at everything. I even went back today & got a few more things. I was not used to how they do it there. When Mom & I would go, you bought each item from each vendor. I remember Mom had her cash box & a calculator. That's not how they did it here. Every item had a vendor # on it & you pay at the end. It was alot more convenient that way but that must be a nightmare for whoever has to sort all those vendor tickets.

I'm very happy with my treasures & am even happier that I was able to find one to go to this year. I always remember Mom & our boutique adventures everytime I'm at one of these & always find myself thinking 'Mom would buy that if she were here'. I treasure my memories of her & am so thankful that I can still do some things today that we used to do 10 years ago. I'm so excited to take Rya in 1-2 years & I hope she'll enjoy it as much I did when I was little & as much as I do now!

*In honor & memory of you, Mom! You're with me today & always!*

These snowflakes were made from the plastic rings that holds soda cans together.
They were really awesome!

Adorable "R" and "H" ornaments I found as I was walking in! There's fake snow inside!

I got an identical black flower the 1st day I went & Rya requested I get her a pink one. She loves it!

I have at least a dozen Egyptian perfume bottles in storage in WA. I started collecting them when I was in my teens. Garyn loves them too & always gets me a new one when we find them. I totally forgot about them until I saw a lady selling a bunch. Just wish I could have gotten more than 1 but I'm so happy I could get this one & that I am reminded of the ones I have. Can't wait to get them back!

I've wanted Mistletoe for the past 3 Christmases but could never find any. I found this at the boutique. It was hand picked in Prescott, AZ! So excited I finally found some!!

This is my little personalized welcome sign! It's so cute & was a great price & my 1st thing item with my family's names on it! I'm so excited about this!

I had a great time at the boutique & am so happy with my treasures. I got another small Christmas decoration but it was too hard to get a picture of it. I did pick up a few gifts as well so can't put pictures of those up. Already can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Pop said...

Nice article. Glad you had a good time. I love the sign with the names on it.